Get Bpainter from the Blendermarket now!
BPainter 1.0 is now released. Here is a quick overview of all important features.
Head over to Patreon or Blendermarket. On the blendermarket its actually going live next week.
- TRAILER | Funny CGI 3d Animated Short Film ** MISS DAISY ** Funny Action cg movie by NAD-UQAC
- CGI Sexy Animated Film ** HAVANA HEAT ** Sexy Hot ADULT 50 Shades of Latina Short by The Mill
- Cute Animated Short Film ** SECOND WIND ** Sad Inspirational Animation by Ian Worrel & CalArts
- Top 5 ZBrush Smoothing Tricks
- CGI 3D Animated Short Film "SHAVE IT" Hilarious Animation by 3dar Studios