Award Winning CGI Animated Short Sci-Fi Short Film EMPSILLNES, where the last survivor of a destroyed spaceship meets his enemy in the void.
SYNOPSIS: A stranded astronaut's race against time to get back home. Empsillnes is an animated short film directed by Jakub Grygier. The story is a mix of existing well known stories with big influence coming from computer games and many sci fi films. The plot shows struggle of main hero alone in space in reality where artificial intelligence took control over the World. Making of the movie took 4 years and entire visual aspect of the film have been created by one person Jakub Grygier. The music and sound is created by compositor Pawel Gorniak. The cinema version of soundtrack was mastered in PostMeridian Productions company based in Warsaw.
EMPSILLNES (2015) Animation, Sci-Fi, Thriller, Drama
Film Page: http://empsillnes.byethost3.com
Produced by Jakub Grygier ( ordenworks@gmail.com )
CREDITS: Director/Producer/Screenplay by Jakub Grygier (ordenworks@gmail.com). Sound and Music by Pawel Gorniak. Storyboard and Previs by Pawel Wojciechowicz. CGI and Animation by Jakub Grygier. Mocap by Alicja Uzarowska, Damian Stempniewski. Photogrammetry Consultant Rafal Kwasny. Special Thanks "Hescomp" computers Wroclaw: Piotr Grygier. Nvidia, NASA, Adrian Kajda max3d.pl, Jedrzej Bukowski.
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AWARDS: Best CGI at 2015 SCI FI Film Festival - http://scififilmfestival.com
DIRECTOR BIO: Jakub Grygier is self educated visual effects artist. He was born 7th July 1988 in Wroclaw, Poland. From early childhood Jakub have strong interest connected with drawing and art. Very early he started create digitally which few years later brought him into visual effects industry. he was inspired to work with digital and matte painting by the Star Wars and Jurassic Park series. He decided to end his studies after graduating from a grammar school specializing in architecture in Wroclaw and became a self-educated graphic designer and Science-Fiction fan.
MAKING OF THE MOVIE: Empsillnes was completed Jan 1st 2015 on a 25 000 USD budget. The first draft of the script was written Nov 10 2010. Story is based upon various science fiction novels, films and video games. Its a mix of elements which director decided to be the best for science fiction genre. There was big emphasis to make hard science fiction story where physics and visual aspect of the film is close to what you might expect in reality. The story itself was most important part of whole project. Its written in a way to be very simple with an ending where everyone could create his own explanation. Film and story is designed in a way to be well understood and accepted by teenagers, young science fiction fans.
The pre production of the film started with story boarding and creating simple animatics which took a year until final edit. Then the process of 3d model and characters creation took place. Production was on hold for many months until Jakub Grygier finished contract for visual effects at Moving Picture Company. Then Jakub work 1 year and 3 months to complete animation before rendering final image. Here Pawel Gorniak took a part and created amazing score for entire animation. He also was responsible for sound design.
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